Saturday, March 21, 2015

REPOST: Stephen King and son Joe Hill praise Del Toro's Crimson Peak

Seven months from now, we'd see another Guillermo del Toro masterpiece unfold before our eyes. His films are known for their strong cult following and his upcoming mystery-horror project called Crimson Peak should not be any different.

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Even when you’re as accomplished a filmmaker as Guillermo del Toro, some endorsements must still be exciting to hear.

That had to be the case over the weekend, when del Toro's upcoming Gothic horror movie, Crimson Peak, was screened for no less an authority on terror than Stephen King, who tweeted his approval on Monday:

"Was treated to a screening of Guillermo del Toro's new movie, CRIMSON PEAK, this weekend. Gorgeous and just f*****g terrifying... CRIMSON PEAK electrified me in the same way Sam Rami's EVIL DEAD electrified me when I saw it for the first time way back in the day."

Joining his dad for the special sneak preview was King's son, Joe Hill, who's built his own acclaimed body of work with novels like Heart-Shaped Box and his award-winning comic book Locke & Key. It seems like father and son were on the same page when it came to Crimson Peak:

"Remember that list I tweeted the other day, the 13 most beautiful horror films. CRIMSON PEAK is the most beautiful of all... CRIMSON PEAK is Del Toro's blood-soaked AGE OF INNOCENCE, a gloriously sick waltz through Daphne Du Maurier territory."

According to Slashfilm, del Toro has more or less completed the film and must feel confident enough to start showing it to VIPs seven months ahead of its release. When two of those VIPs are one of the greatest living horror writers of our time and his formidably talented offspring -- both of whom heaped praise on the movie -- then del Toro must feel like he's on the right track.

We'll see if any more screenings and reactions surface ahead of the movie's release, but in the meantime we'll have to be satisfied with watching the sumptuous trailer again. Crimson Peak stars Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hiddleston and Charlie Hunnam and opens Oct. 16.

I’m Zachary Wood, Orlando native and an avid fan of mystery fiction, water sports, and travel. For discussions on anything mysterious, adventurous, and arresting, follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

REPOST: Stranger Than Crime Fiction

Life is stranger than fiction, the old aphorism goes. Forensic specialists have witnessed to gorier evidence and uncovered more outlandish plots than P.D. James or Michael Connelly could purvey. In that regard, the science of crime investigation offers valuable help for mystery writers in reinforcing suspension of disbelief into their works. Scottish novelist Val McDermid believes likewise. She talks about her first nonfiction work on crime and forensics in this article.  

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Val McDermid is a Scottish crime writer who has penned more than 30 novels. To coincide with a new Wellcome Trust exhibition, she has written a nonfiction book on the history of forensic science, Forensics: The Anatomy of a Crime. Telling the truth about science can help create the suspension of disbelief that is vital to good fiction, she says.

How has forensic science influenced your writing up until now?

It helps me to anchor my books in the real world. Everybody knows crimes don't get solved the way we write about them in crime fiction; it's not one grumpy inspector and a sergeant buying the pints. But anything I can do to bolster your suspension of disbelief is valuable. If I tell you the truth about the science, it helps make you think I must be telling the truth about all the stuff I'm making up.

Where do your story ideas come from?

It's things that make me go “wow.” For instance, I once rang up the forensic anthropologist Sue Black at the University of Dundee because I wanted to know what your tattoos would look like if you'd been submerged in a bog for 200 years. She said that when you get a tattoo, the nearest lymph nodes take up the ink. It occurred to me that if the tattoo was made after death, there wouldn't be any staining on the lymph nodes: I had a starting point for a novella. I snap up trifles like that. It's the same thing that makes me good at pub quizzes.

How much scientific research do you do for your novels?

It depends on the book. I might just ring up a forensics specialist and say: “I want this piece of evidence to lead to this; how do I do it?” Very often the stuff that really works comes in at tangents—the conversation leads to something much more interesting. In general, the scientists are just delighted that anyone is interested in their work.

Were you surprised by anything you learned while researching your new nonfiction book?

Over the years I've spent a lot of time with people who do this for real, so I have a pretty good idea of how completely unlike CSI or Silent Witness it is. But the truth is often stranger than fiction. For instance, I interviewed a researcher who investigates the synthesis of illegal drugs. She told me that at any given time, she's got a cupboard full of crystal meth. At one point she had her Ph.D. students going out to buy decongestants for the raw ingredients to make it.

Crime novelists and screenwriters have been blamed for giving jurors unrealistic ideas of forensic evidence. Is that a fair criticism?

I think it happens, though it surprises me that people are that naive. I suppose that when evidence is presented week after week with an aura of scientific certainty, it does have an effect. You could argue that we should take more responsibility, but it is entertainment.

By and large, I try to be pretty accurate in how I write about the science. But sometimes you do need to make changes for dramatic necessity—for instance, squeezing a test that would take three weeks into two days. That's the area where we mostly fall down—compressing time frames.

Will your new book change people's views?

I hope readers take away a greater understanding of the science, as well as an appreciation of the integrity and commitment of the kind of people who do this work. What they do is just as important to the living as it is to the dead.

I am Zachary Wood, a huge fan of spine-chilling, emotionally arresting novels. Let's talk more about the convoluted plots and quick-witted sleuths on Twitter.